Who We Are

The Lafayette County, non-profit Senior Centers, located in Concordia, Higginsville, Lexington and Odessa, are part of Care Connection for Aging Services—an Area Agency on Aging designated by the State of Missouri to provide services to seniors.  Our mission is to provide resources and services to empower people to have healthy aging experiences.

We do this by providing nutritious meals, fitness classes, health education, health screenings, seasonal services like tax preparation, recreation, and education that is just plain fun.  Our seniors (60+) are asked to contribute what  they can, and in many cases our services are offered at no charge.

Part of our funding comes from the Older Americans Act, part from what the seniors contribute and the balance must come from fundraising in our local communities.

Events such as Bikers 4 Boomers, allow us to continue to provide services every day and realize our mission to serve the seniors in our communities.
