Cash prizes will be awarded to the HIGH HAND ($100) & LOW HAND ($75)
We’re doing a 50/50 raffle (certificate awarded at event, check provided the following week)!
Raffle Packages 2019!
Tickets for these fabulous packages will $5 each or 3 tickets for $10!
An overnight stay at Turpentine Creek in beautiful Eureka Springs Arkansas, plus 4 admission tickets to the Refuge and a $10 gas card to help you get there! |
Lafayette County Package This raffle package includes an over night stay at an area Bed & Breakfast along with restaurants gift cards in Odessa, Higginsville and Concordia! |
Are you a vendor? This raffle package space available! Contact Deb Krieger at 660-815-7182 for details! |
And 2018 Door Prizes …
We have over $1,000 worth of giveaways – gas cards, restaurants cards, specialty auto stores and t-shirts – that have been donated by area businesses! We will give these away for all kinds of goofy reasons and if you’ve never been at our event, you don’t know what you’re missing! Every one goes home a winner! |
If you are a vendor and would like to donate and item for a package or prize, please contact Deb Krieger at 660-815-7182. Thanks!
(Tickets will be available for raffle packages to riders AND volunteers – you do not need to be present to win but must provide contact information on ticket stub)